Monday, September 12, 2005

Kuala Lumpur

忙了一天的造訪與會議之後, 住進吉隆坡的 Istanta Hotel. 這是從旅館看到的雙子星大樓一角.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Ginting Resort

從台灣飛到馬來西吉隆坡, 來到雲頂樂園, 住進飯店. 這是從飯店窗口看出去的景象.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Orchid Island

A Catholic church after Sunday moring Mass. People usually dress up with their traditional costumes for the Mass.

A scene of the Wild Silver Village. Here you still can see traditional Dawu "sub-ground" houses. Most people are Cartholic on this island.

Residence of the former Lanyu County Magistrate. Only people of imporatnace can carry the icon of Dawu canoe as decoration on their houses.

This "open house" oversees the ocean. Sitting here looking toward the sea enjoing the caressing of salt wind is really a great summer treat!

It was early in the morning, probably 30 after 5, I got up and went out the hostel located near the seashore, walked to the small harbor next to the hostel, and took this picture.

Here, I couldn't resist the allure of the sea but jumping into it for a morning exercise along with several others.